One thing I really wonder about. If Hillary Clinton had been elected would the turn out have been as big? I know President Obama became the first African American President and he had many people there to see history. When we get the first woman President will the people come in mass to see hear sworn in the same way?
That was just something that crossed my mind today.
I am excited to see what President Obama can do, No man in the history of this country has ever had this much pressure on him. I must say I do not envy him one bit, everything he does is going to be put under a microscope. Some people are going to love him and some are going to hate him. Some people are going to love his idea's and some are going to hate them. I just hope that he can cross the aisle and get everyone to work together.
I believe that he will do well. He has changed a lot of view points of some americans. A dark skinned president, that is a lot to think about for most. Yes the pressure will be high for him to do well for this country but if you think about it, maybe a change will actually do this country some good.